miniPAP > APhWS
All university locations as well as pharmaSuisse and the SAPhS Academy are represented in the APhWS. It is chaired by Dr. Christine Moll (Vice President of SAPhS). At the suggestion of pharmaSuisse, the miniPAP («Pharmacy Education Platform») has been the responsibility of the SAPhW since 2020. On 24 November 2020, the miniPAP was renamed APhWS (Ausbildung Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften Schweiz; Formation Sciences Pharmaceutiques Suisse, FSPhS; Eduction Pharmaceutical Sciences Switzerland, EPhSS). All meetings are moderated by Dr Christine Moll, Vice-President SAPhW. All four training sites are represented, as well as representatives of pharmaSuisse and hospital pharmacy and members of the SAPhW Senate Board. Topics discussed included: Implementation of new curricula, in particular new competences vaccination, diagnosis & therapy; learning objectives catalogues preparation for version 3 for the Federal Pharmacy Examinations; demarcation of training from continuing education as well as the role and positions of the Master Universities.