Dienstag 18. April 2017
- Haus der Universität Bern, 18. April 2017, 12.30 - 15.45
- Programm: follow_up_meeting_program_final.pdf
PDFs aller Vorträge:
- Prof. Chin-Bin Eap, Unil/CHUV: "Pharmacogenetics in the public pharmacy?" eap_pharmacogenetics.pdf
- Dr. Irmgard Schmitt-Koopmann, pharmaSuisse: "The job profile of the public pharmacist" schmitt-koopmann_public_pharmacist.pdf
- Prof. Stefan Mühlebach, SAPhW: "The job profile of the hospital and the clinical pharmacist" muehlebach_hospital_pharmacist.pdf
- Frédéric Zwahlen, Vifor Pharma: "The job profile of the industrial pharmacist" zwahlen_industrial_pharmacist.pdf
- Prof. Jörg Huwyler, UniBS: "Education program UniBS" huwyler_unibs.pdf
- Prof. Serge Rudaz, UniGE: "Education program EPGL UniGE" rudaz_unige.pdf
- Prof. Bruno Gander, ETHZ: "Education program ETHZ" gander_ethz.pdf
- Prof. Georg Imanidis, Life Sciences FHNW: "Education program FHNW" imanidis_fhnw.pdf
- PD Verena Schröder, UniBE: "Full curriculum UniBE" schroeder_unibe.pdf