Bisherige Veranstaltungen

Mittwoch 11. September 2024 bis Freitag 13. September 2024

Save-the-date: Int. Conference & Galenus Workshop Univ. of I-Parma

Topic: "Exploring the future of inhalation drug delivery" Site; date: University of Parma, Italy; Sept. 11-13, 2024 Information, registration: see Flyer

Mittwoch 22. Mai 2024

Seminars on Drug Sciences (SDS)

Date: Wednesdays 17:15 - 18:15 Place: Lecture Hall 1, Pharmazentrum, Klingelbergstrasse 50, 4046 Basel Next Seminar: Wednesday, 29 May 2024 Dr. Claudia Jessen-Trefzer, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Freiburg, Freiburg i.Br., Germany:

“Intra- and Extracellular Prodrug Activation with the Help of Protein Capsids"

Host:  Prof. Robin Teufel
Abstract: download pdf
Join Zoom Meeting: access link

Mittwoch 15. Mai 2024

Seminars on Drug Sciences (SDS)

Next Seminar:

Wednesday May 15, 17:15-18:15 Prof. Jürg Gertsch, Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland “Optimal chemical probes for drug discovery: A pharmacological perspective" Host:  Prof. V. Schröder, University of Bern Flyer: download pdf Join Zoom Meeting
A streaming option (Zoom) will be offered for the external viewers who do not require the credit points. Access link:
Meeting-ID: 628 7796 7530
Kenncode: 739273  

Mittwoch 24. April 2024

SAPhW-Generalversammlung 2024

Zeitpunkt: Mittwochnachmittag 24. April 2024, 15:00 - ca. 18 Uhr Ort: Haus der Universität Bern, Schlösslistr. 5, 3008 Bern Einladung und Programm: download PDF Anmeldung (oblig.): offen

Donnerstag 02. November 2023

Save-the-Date: Jahrestagung SAPP

«Wenn Schwangere und ihre Kinder Medikamente benötigen – Hotspots» Datum: 2. November 2023 Zeit: 1300-1815 Uhr. Anschliessend Apéro Ort: Universitätsspital Zürich, Hörsaal Nord 1 oder online (Hybridmodus) Programm: mit Postersession und Roundtable mit Vertretern aus Behörde und Politik > Download Kreditpunkte der FPH Offizin, Spital (inkl. Klin. Pharmazie), SGKPT, SGGG und pädiatrie Schweiz Anmeldungen per sofort online  

Samstag 23. September 2023

16th SPhSD 2023

Place: Von Roll Campus, University of Bern Date, time: Saturday 23 September 2023, 10-18 h Topic: «Antibiotics» Program final: PDF Poster template: PPT Registration: closed e-Conference Booklet final: PDF

Donnerstag 21. September 2023

swissYPG - 8th PharmApéro 2023

Place, date, time: Unternehmen Mitte, Basel; 21 September 2023, 18:15 h Program: PDF Download Registration: open

Mittwoch 28. Juni 2023 bis Donnerstag 29. Juni 2023

Midweek Talk - ASD

Date; place; time: Wedn 28 June 2023, Meitner Ring 1, 79589 Binzen, Rest. "meet & eat"; 17:30 h Speakers & Topics:
- Dr. Norbert Pöllinger, Glatt Pharm. Services: "Amorphous solid dispersions through fluid bed processing - more than granules and tablets"
- Dr. Christian Lübbert, amofor: "Thermodynamic ASD development: benefits from early stage to production Information and registration:

Freitag 05. Mai 2023 bis Dienstag 27. Juni 2023

pharmaTalk 1/23

PharmaTalk 1/23 Date, time: Friday May 5, 2023, 13:30 - 14:30 Mode: Online, access code after registration Speaker: Dr. Miran Denac; former SVP at Teva Pharmaceuticals Topic: "Increasing drug shortage in Switzerland: Manufacturing in Switzerland and other countries. Where are the problems?" Videostream, including intro, lecture and slides: download via dropbox link.

Freitag 19. August 2022

15th Swiss Pharma Science Day 2022

Date and place: Friday 19 August 2022, Von Roll Campus Univ. of Bern, Fabrikstr. 6, 3012 Bern Topic: «Immunology» Conference booklet (incl. program, speaker infos, lecture & poster abstracts, sponsor list, certificates etc.): download pdf Conference brochure: download pdf Poster Awards: download pdf Fellow 2022: Frédéric Zwahlen Conference report: download pdf

Donnerstag 18. August 2022

SPhSD 2022 - sYPG Pre-Event Flash Talks

  Dear participants of the Swiss Pharma Science Day, In collaboration with the SAPhW, the Swiss Young Pharmacists Group (swissYPG) organizes the «swissYPG Flash-Talks» on 18 August 2022, the afternoon before the Swiss Pharma Science Day, at the House of the University of Bern. You are a young researcher and have a fascinating project to present? Here is the opportunity and challenge to present it in 3 minutes! Participate at the swissYPG Flash-Talks, connect with other young and experienced researchers, and have a great preconference evening in Bern! Program:
16:15 h Arrival
16:30 h Flash-Talk qualification
17:40 h Flash-Talk finals
18:00 h Networking apéro with organisers and speakers of the Swiss Pharma Science Day
20:00 h To the pubs The winner of the Flash-Talk competition gets the opportunity to present her/his Flash-Talk during the Award Ceremony of the Swiss Pharma Science Day the next day. Thanks to our sponsors and supporters we can offer you the train ticket to Bern and back from/to your residence. Alternatively, we can offer you the amount of the train ticket as part of your self-organized overnight stay in Bern. There are still available places! Deadline for registration via is August 9th 2022. On behalf of the swissYPG board, Andreas Schittny, PhD

Montag 31. Januar 2022

Reichstein Medal 2021 - Retrospect

University Hospital - Inselspital Bern and House of University of Bern, 6 Sept. 2021 Awardee: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Katalin Karikó, Senior Vice President, BioNTech RNA Pharmaceutical and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Portrait of Prof. Katalin Karikó: download pdf Award lecture:
- Videostream: watch whole lecture
- Lecture Prof. Karikó: download pdf of presentation
- Fotos: download gallery Award ceremony:
- Videostream: watch whole ceremony
- Welcome and Laudatio: download pdf of presentation
- Welcome address Prof. H. Leuenberger: watch video
- Fotos: download gallery Media reports: 20Min-1, 20Min-2, SAeZ, CH Media, pharmaJournal

Montag 31. Januar 2022

Online SPhSD 2021 - Retrospect

Conference booklet: download pdf Conference report: download pdf Videostream: watch whole event Lecture 1, Prof. Serena Nik-Zainal: watch presentation Lecture 2, Prof. Olav Lapaire: watch presentation Lecture 3, Prof. Hans Leuenberger: watch presentation Lecture 4, Prof. Mark Rubin: watch presentation Platform 1, Kathrin Ahrens, GSIA: watch presentation Platform 2, Sara Iten, GSASA: watch presentation Platform 3, Dr. Andreas Schittny, swissYPG: watch presentation e-Posters: watch gallery Fellows and poster prizes: watch award gallery Evaluation: watch MonkeySurvey results

Samstag 13. November 2021 bis Freitag 31. Dezember 2021

Online PharmaTalk 3/2021

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Katalin Karikó, Senior Vice President, BioNTech RNA Pharmaceutical and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Reichstein Award Lecture 2021, 6 Sept. 2021, Inselspital Bern: «Developing mRNA for therapy - Not Warp Speed» Videostream and slides of lecture: open access, online 13 Nov. to 31 Dec. 2021

Montag 06. September 2021

Reichstein-Preis Feier 2021

Preisträgerin: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Katalin Karikó, Senior Vice President, BioNTech RNA Pharmaceutical und Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Porträt der Reichstein Preisträgerin 2021 Festakt: Montag 6. September 2021, 19:00 bis ca. 22 Uhr; Haus der Universität Bern Foto Gallery