lien: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, AAPSAmerican Society of Pharmacognosy ASPAssoc. of Bernese PharmacistsInt. Assoc. for Pharm. Technology APVBrit. Acad. Pharm. SciencesSoc. for Medicinal Plant and Natural Products Research GASwiss Society of Industrial Pharmacists GSIADeutsche Pharm. Gesellschaft DPhGEur. Federation for Pharm. Sciences EUFEPSInt. Pharmaceutical Federation FIPÖsterr. Pharm. Gesellschaft OePhGPharm. Ges. Zürich PharmGZSchweizerischer Apothekerverband, pharmaSuisseSchw. Ges. für HomöopathieSwiss Assoc. of Perinatal Pharmacology SAPPSwiss Soc. of Radiopharmacy/Radiopharm. Chemistry SSRCRSchw. Med. Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie SMGPSwiss Society for Cannabis in Medicine SSCMSwiss TransplantSwiss Young Pharmacists Group swissYPGSwiss Assoc. of Public Health Admin and Hospital Pharmacists GSASATechnology Training Center TTC Langue Anglais